
Gain new orientation in the dynamic world of work. In our perspectives counselling you will get a structured overview of your personal chances on the labour market and find out how you can secure your personal employability in the long run.

Where are you professionally and personally?

Discovering new perspectives means looking back and forward. What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing and what is currently in demand on the labour market? You can discuss all this with our coaches - experts in the labour market and careers.

What is your ideal position?

By comparing your personal wishes and professional skills with the opportunities on the labour market, you will discover new perspectives. The best basis for working out a concrete desired position.

I knew that a career change would do me good, but I always lacked the courage to take the step into the unknown. The support from von Rundstedt gave me the necessary security I needed for a new start and prepared me professionally for my new task.


Manuela Lausch,
Bereichsvorstands-Koordinatorin und Firmenkundenbetreuerin, ehemalige Klientin


Our advice


Use your neutral sparring partner for all your personal questions and shed light on the change from all perspectives. Consider financial aspects, personal development opportunities, long-term employability and personal wishes.

Start now!

Would you like to take your career change in hand with us or do you have any questions? Then we look forward to hearing from you!