Legal Disclosures

Published by:
v. Rundstedt & Partner GmbH
Bleichstraße 20
40211 Düsseldorf

Phone: +49-211-839-60
Fax: 49-211-3239-424

Statutory company representative
Sophia von Rundstedt (managing director and shareholder)


Commercial register record number HRB 20794
kept by Düsseldorf local court as Court of Registry

Sales tax ID number per § 27 a of the Sales Tax Act
DE 121311571

The company has a pecuniary damage liability insurance policy with Markel Insurance SE, München. Policy territory: Europe

Responsible for content per § 6 MDStV (Interstate Media Services Agreement):
Sophia von Rundstedt


Copywrite information

All articles and illustrations published on this website are protected by copyright. Any use prohibited under copyright law without the prior written consent of the provider. This applies in particular to the copying, processing, translation, storage, processing and displaying of content in databases and other electronic media or systems. Photocopies and downloads of web pages may only be utilized for personal, private, non-commercial use.


The veracity of the content of this website has been verified with due care. However, the information provider assumes no liability for the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information provided. Articles reflect the opinion of their respective author. The information provided on this website is of a general nature and is non-binding.


Any liability is disclaimed for the content of external links, despite our having exercised due care in verifying content. The respective website operators shall be exclusively responsible for the content of websites to which links are provided.


Communication via e-mail may be insecure. For example, e-mails can be intercepted and viewed by expert internet users in transit to our company employees or to our network partners. When we receive an e-mail from you, we presume that we are entitled to respond via e-mail. You must otherwise explicitly specify that a different mode of communication is to be used. Messages are only encrypted if explicitly requested and confirmed, utilizing common encryption standards (such as PGP).



All persons named on this website hereby object to any commercial use or disclosure of their data (see § 28 BDSG).

You can read a comprehensive data protection policy document here that outlines how the personal data of our website visitors is handled.


Website Concept

Code Red GmbH Agentur für Technologie und Kommunikation


Corporate Design 

Alexa Paetzel, Fisch & Fleisch, Büro für visuelle Gestaltungskraft


  • Darstellung der Whitepaper, Leitfäden und Checklisten mithilfe der Vorlage von ebhy auf Freepik.